Flooding Portoviejo Ecuador

The bustling city of Portoviejo, Ecuador is a paradise for many who live in and visit the city of about 250,000 people in Ecuador’s Manabí province. Close to the beach, temperatures always hovering around 75°F (24°C), and a rich cultural verve — what’s not to love?

Unfortunately, extreme weather and natural disasters have hit the coastal city hard over the past few years. The April 2016 Ecuadorian Earthquake, which killed over 600 across the country, caused massive damage in Portoviejo. And about a year later, the city experienced 2 months of intense rainfall, leading to historic flooding and massive damage to the metro area.

Beyond the extensive flooding, some of the poorer hillside communities surrounding Portoviejo were destroyed by powerful mudslides that wrecked entire villages. One such community, called San Pablo, was home to many of the IJEF-sponsored children who trained weekly with Coach Bryan Tamayo of Pacific Top Team Ecuador. Most of these kids and their families lost their homes completely and took refuge on a soccer field outside of town.

With no way to reach Coach Bryan’s academy, the children of IJEF’s Ecuador Project couldn’t continue the free training they had attended for the past year. Luckily, Coach Bryan and IJEF had a solution: rent a van and bring the kids to the academy anyway! IJEF’s Board of Directors quickly approved the funds, and within weeks the kids were back at the academy.

Coach Bryan graciously continued to provide transportation as many of the kids returned to their homes, and the academy facilitated the families’ difficult process of rebuilding. Unfortunately, several of the children had to leave the IJEF academy for good, as their family moved too far from Portoviejo. For the rest, life took a winding path back to “normal.”

We’re proud that IJEF was there to help.


Congratulations to Coach Bryan Tamayo, Pacific Top Team Ecuador and Team Viejo Luchador! They hosted the first ever IJEF Ecuador Kids Tournament! We also want to congratulation all of the kids on an outstanding job! Coach Bryan and his staff in Porto Viejo, Ecuador have been running the IJEF project there for almost a year now and have almost 50 students consistently practicing in the IJEF kids classes. Coach Bryan started by advertising in the local slum which is on an adjacent hill facing his academy. He advertised to parents of children who had no activity to do and who had no money to afford activities for their children. The slum that they are a part of is called, San Pablo and is notorious for poverty and violence. Coach Bryan brought these children in with the support of the International Jiu Jitsu Education Fund sponsorship and now these children are training and have uniforms and hope. This tournament is a testament to their hard work and that of Coach Bryan and his staff. Congratulations everyone on your hard work!
#RollingTowardABetterWorld #IJEFEcuador #JiuJitsuEcuador #PortoViejo #KidsTrainFree

40 Kids Training Free IJEF Ecuador Image

Wow! Coach Bryan Tamayo of the Ecuador Project has already increased his enrollment from 15 to 40 kids in just a few short weeks! What a dedicated Roll Model. Bryan’s work really illustrates the community-building power of jiu-jitsu. When these kids are “on the mat” — a revered and special place for a martial artist — they are expected to practice mutual respect and to work as a team to make everyone better. They learn to love others’ success as much as they love their own. And these principles pay off — just look how much fun they’re having in this image, courtesy of Coach Bryan!

Our focus is now to get each of these kids a personal uniform, known as a gi, as soon as possible. Donate to make this mission happen. Just $20 will buy and deliver a gi to one of these awesome kids!

Welcome Ecuador Post Featured Image
The International Jiu-Jitsu Education Fund is ecstatic to announce a brand new addition to the IJEF family: Coach Bryan Tamayo of Ecuador! Sponsored by Pacific Top Team out of Corona, CA, Coach Bryan is a dedicated jiu-jitsu coach and practitioner. He loves teaching kids the art and discipline of jiu-jitsu, and he’s beyond excited to be funded by IJEF so he can support himself while living his dream!
We can hardly believe how fast our movement is growing. Join us — sponsor Roll Model or send a child a uniform by making a donation today!

IJEF: The International Jiu-Jitsu Education Fund